Monday, October 29, 2007


I guess you could say I'm officially "nesting," now that I am home 90% of the time (when I'm not at work!), barefoot & pregnant! What happened to me?!?!????

We are trying to make sure the kitties are extra-comfortable lately, knowing we are about to rock their world.

They have noooo idea what's coming!

Here is my latest nesting creation: (not shown: Halloween cupcakes, roasted pumpkin seeds, you get the idea.....)

If you look cloesly in the background you can see someone laying on the changing table next to the plant... We are pretty sure she thinks this is a new bed just for her.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Baby Countdown part 2


Experimenting with baby countdown tickers......

What did people ever do before the web??


Baby Countdown

Pregnancy Tickers and More From

I'll be glad when it is under 100 days.... Then the countdown can REALLY begin!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Identity Crisis

Now that I am just about 6 months pregnant (!) and starting to show more & more, I am feeling more than ever like a "pregnant lady." It's weird. It doesn't quite feel like me. It's kinda like, I feel like people make some assumptions about you knowing that you're preggers. And that might just be part of how society is... I mean, aren't we judged by our cars, our homes, even how we do our hair... (?) It's one of those truths about society I like to ignore. Something about me likes having a sense of anonymity when out in public. Just blending in, no one to judge. But when you have a big ol belly in front of you, there's no hiding that. A lot of women say they just LOVE being pregnant, LOVE the attention it brings, LOVE the Belly! I guess I better get used to it, cause soon I won't just be "the pregnant lady" but will be "Mom," which is even more of a label. Yikes!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

papa don't preach

OK, so I've gotten some "constructive criticism" since yesterday and realized maybe that last post was a little harsh. At least I didn't bring God into it (heaven forbid!), for those who are having "as many children as God will allow." Um, altho that was in the article in case you didn't notice.

But - just to clarify, we are very excited about having a child and all the things that come with being parents. I never imagined what it would be like and now we are about to go through it!

It's just that the pro-Earth/environmentalist/eco-activist in me can't shake the idea that maybe we are getting just a little too big (humans) and maybe this world is getting a little too small (earth). But I'm sure that will fade the minute I hold that tiny little hand in mine and all my troubles melt away... Right? Isn't that what it's all about?

If I start shopping at Walmart & driving a minivan, now that's another story.....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

population explosion

I can't help but be overwhelmed by the idea of bringing a baby into this world. Part of me thinks, wow, there are already so many kids and so many people in this world, aren't I just adding yet one more stress on the planet?? And it's true, yes I am. Yet there are people out there having 5, 10, even 17 babies, as if it's the most normal thing in the world!

The family's home in the northwest Arkansas town of Tontitown includes dormitory-style bedrooms for the boys and girls, nine bathrooms, a commercial kitchen, four washing machines and four dryers.

Among the "fun facts" listed on Discovery Health's Web page devoted to the Duggars: A baby has been born in every month except June; the family has gone through about 90,000 diapers, and Michelle Duggar has been pregnant for 126 months -- or 10.5 years -- of her life.

I actually saw something on the Discovery channel about this family. Hello, dorm-style housing and 4 washers/dryers...? 90,000 diapers? Do you think they were using cloth? Not to imagine how much food they probably plow thru in a week. Can you imagine if everyone lived like this? I hope they are recycling all that waste somehow!

It seems that some people tend to have this "Manifest Destiny" attitude about having kids, like it's their absolute right to bear as many children as possible... Yet how can anyone in their right mind who knows anything about the planet and the energy crisis proceed with a clear conscience?

It doesn't help that my family is going thru some sort of population explosion these days, and I am somehow being lumped into the middle of it... Sigh. Of all times for me to get knocked up! The guilt is building.....

Of course, I am one of those people who can't walk into a Kohl's without picturing all that crap on the bottom of the ocean floor someday... It's my curse in life. I also want to adopt every cat I see.

Woe is me!