Tuesday, January 29, 2008
For Keeps
I must have been on crack when I said I remembered She's Having A Baby being one of the best preggers-themed movies I ever saw, because it was actually one of the worst movies I've ever seen... In my life! And it was a John Hughes film, even. What's up with that?! It basically portrays marriage as a one-way ticket to the Burbs, and assumes that husband/wife will immediately become enemies after saying "I do" and fight nonstop for the rest of their existence!
Ha! John Hughes, why didn't you just tell us you wanted to be a teenager forever?
Anyway, For Keeps was a *little* more of the real deal. Kind of reminded me of Fifteen and Pregnant (starring Kirsten Dunst!) since the couple has their "oops" moment while still in high school but decides to have the child anyway, etc etc. A good amount of drama with a dose of realism thrown in. Plus it's just fun seeing Molly Ringwald with a giant preggers belly!
And for what it's worth, For Keeps is the one I saw in high school (when my best friend cried). I had never seen She's Having A Baby and don't know how it got mixed up in my head..... But -- its one redeeming quality (at the end) was a slo-mo of flashbacks while playing Kate Bush's This Woman's Work. I think it was probably the inspiration for that DUI/hospital scene between Bailey & Sarah in Party of Five that one time, but I'm probably the only one who knows what I'm talking about here.......! :)
Monday, January 21, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Molly Ringwald, Randall Batinkoff, Kenneth Mars, Miriam Flynn, Conchata Ferrell, Sharon Brown, Renee Estevez, John Zarchen, Michelle Downy, Pauly Shore, D: John G. Avildsen. Running Time: 98 minutes and rated PG-13 for some language and sexual situations.

Kevin Bacon, Elizabeth McGovern, Alec Bladwin, John Ashton. Running Time: 106 minutes and rated PG-13 for some language and sexual situations.
Also, I just want to add one more baby movie to my list. Not really a pregnancy movie but still fits the bill! And is too funny!!

Raising Arizona (1987) Recidivist hold-up man H.I. McDonnough and police woman Edwina marry, only to discover they are unable to conceive a child. Desperate for a baby, the pair decide to kidnap one of the quintuplets of furniture tycoon Nathan Arizona. The McDonnoughs try to keep their crime secret, while friends, co-workers and a feral bounty hunter look to use Nathan Jr. for their own purposes.
Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter, Trey Wilson, John Goodman, Frances McDormand. Running Time: 94 minutes and rated PG-13 for some language and violence.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Fave Babe Movies
I became inspired to make a list similar to my 'Fave Christmas Movies' post.
If you can think of some more, let me know!

We saw this at the beginning of last summer on our anniversary. Seemed innocent enough. It's just a movie, right? Little did I know I was *actually* pregnant at the time.... Ha ha, it's so easy to laugh at Katherine Heigl going through those labor pains! Until you realize someday that's going to be you. So due to the crazy timing of the movie and my love for all things Grey's Anatomy, this one ranks number 1.

I know I just saw it so it's fresh in my mind, but this movie definitely struck a chord. The angst and awkwardness of high school, the great Indie soundtrack, the huge sigh of relief that I'm not a teenage mom. Yeah.

I think I need to watch this one again, because it might be really bad. (Ever watch 'Footloose' again after high school??) But I remember seeing it with my best friend and she cried all the way through it. Now I am not a crier at movies, but it had to have been moving for her to cry about it, right? Plus I remember talking about it a lot afterwards. Altho in my memory, the lead role was played by Molly Ringwald. I really need to watch this again.
4.) Fifteen and Pregnant (Lifetime TV movie)
Think bad after-school special with Kirsten Dunst thrown in and you've got this movie. I really thought it was something rarely witnessed by others since I happened to catch it on Lifetime TV on a random Friday night or something a few months ago, but I mentioned it to my friend and she was like, Oh yeah, I've seen that. So maybe it's better-known than I thought.. But it was good, in an after-school-special-y way, and again made me glad I wasn't a teenage mom.
And that's it! I honestly can't think of any others.... The only things that come to mind are Three Men and a Baby or that Arnold Schwarzneger one where he becomes pregnant which doesn't count and I haven't actually seen!