Goin to the park:

Meeting Nana:

As you can see, Madison has also recently developed a mild case of "baby acne," poor thing! I know babies can get it so I wasn't too surprised, but Todd seems to think it's some sort of a bad teenage mustache on our baby. I read about it the other day in "What to Expect the First Year," and apparently it's from the hormones -- in the mom! -- not in the baby -- and they are passed along through the breast milk.
So not only am I having to deal with all the hormones, hot flashes, etc streaming through my own war-battered body, but now I am apparently passing them on to my baby, too! Ah, such lovely things no one ever tells you about pregnancy til you are in the thick of it! Or maybe I just ignored it all before....
Starting to lift her head --
Happy with Grandma --
Chillin at the park yesterday --