Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lil Teeth

Lil Miss is finally getting all her lil teeth. She's the last in her playgroup of kiddos her age to be getting the rest in! The latest are her little top canines, which you can see the points coming thru. This pic is one of those giggle moments, in which she thought it was hilarious to try to squirm around while I was taking her pic, but I thought it ended up being a good one of her teeth. Mom 1, Madison 0! Ha!

She doesn't have her 2-year molars in yet and pretty much just finished getting her 1-year molars, so I have a feeling it will be a while before we see the likes of those.
And as long as I am on the stats, we had Madison's 2-year checkup a couple weeks ago. She is still a tiny peanut, but seems to be ahead of the curve on everything else. She was almost 23 lbs and about 2' 10", which put her in the 8th% for weight and 55th% for height. She is talking up a storm these days and was asking the doctor things like, "Are you going to check my tummy, Dr. Halperin?" which was kind of funny. We started potty training after we got back from Christmas and she's finally wearing "big girl" underpants and using the potty, well most of the time. She was using it 100% of the time last week, but now I think she was just showing off cause my mom was here. She weaned from breastfeeding at 23 months (yay, before she turned two!) and now the next thing to tackle will be her "poppy" (pacifier). She managed to have it in at her doctor's appointment so of course the doctor brought it up. She gave us a goal of age 2 1/2 to say bye-bye. We'll see how that goes!
Everything else with Madison is going supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! She has been on a Mary Poppins kick the past couple of months or so, and so everything in our lives centers around Jane, Michael, Bert, Mary Poppins, and going in a tunnel and getting a dirty nose. I have a feeling you parents out there can understand what I'm talking about. I won't go into any more detail than that.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Birthday Girl

Madison turned two last Thursday, and we had a party with all her best buddies on Saturday to celebrate. She was a little shy when the kids first started arriving, but after a while she warmed up and got her groove on. I think her favorite part was the pink Frosty cake. I think she would've been happy sitting and eating frosting for the rest of the day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Christmas Catch-up

I just realized that I never posted any Christmas pictures on here! Here are a few for your viewing pleasure. We also just watched our video from Christmas and my birthday, and I was reminded of a special little birthday serenade I received on Christmas Eve of "Rock-a-bye Baby" morphed into "Happy Birthday," sung by a little Christmas elf sitting on my lap. It was the best birthday present ever!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Some funny things about Madison that make me laugh ~ ~
  • Whenever she sees a football game or basketball game on TV, she says: "marching baaaaand!" and dances around the room

  • Likes my singing. Nuff said.

  • Sleeps late (definitely my child!)

  • Tells me I have a little nose

  • I smell like strawberry shortcake

  • I’m like a mary poppins mommy

She’ll find something little and seemingly insignificant and become fascinated with it. For instance, the Mary Poppins dvd cover from the library has a picture from “the making of” with Julie Andrews and her nose covered in soot, talking to the director or someone. So for the past 2 weeks, we’ve had to sing about the “dirty nose” and Mary Poppins talking to “the man...” The dvd cover now even comes with us to breakfast, in the car, and to daycare!

Favorite expressions:

"What’s that?"
"I don’t like … "
"I do it myself!!!"