This one is purely for the grandparents, cause no one else will have the patience to watch it!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Story by MJ last nite in the tub:
"Once upon a time, there were three little piggies. They had a mother and they had some fun. The End."
Then she proceeded to line all her ducks up along the edge of the tub and declared:
"And they lived happily ever after!"
Think we are reading her too many fairy tales?
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Part of the reason you haven't seen any updates from me on here for a while is that my camera was MIA! It was recently unearthed with a couple videos on it, one of which I'll post here. The other reason is just the normal being-busy stuff that comes with having a 2-year-old! Being back at work doesn't help either. Sometimes when you're in front of a computer all day, the last thing you want to do is sit back down in front of a computer. But, time passes and before you know it your kids are grown up! My neice, who was born while I was in college, is graduating from high school this year. She was just a "little kid" in our wedding, and I remember it like it was yesterday!
So, Easter happened during the MIA time of my camera, so this first pic and video are from my cell phone, and not the greatest quality, but you still can see Madison's cute Easter dress (thanks again, Ashleigh!) and her exceptional Easter-egg-finding skills as displayed at the church egg hunt.
p.s. she insisted on collecting the "egg" in her hat, and yes, I am one of THOSE moms who makes her wear a hat!!! (it was windy out!)
This next video is from a few weeks ago. Just sort of a random day after we got home from daycare and Madison was playing on our free slide. :) I remember when we first got it and I was telling my friend Heather how I had to constantly help her up & down the ladder, and she was like, I bet by the end of the summer she'll be doing it herself! And I was like, yeah, whatever, you haven't seen this thing. It's huge! She'll be at least 5 before she's climbing it (ha)! And sure enough, Heather, Voice of Reason, was right.
In other news, if you haven't heard about the Mary Poppins obsession, there is one. We listen to the CD in the car, read the book at night, and watch the DVD on weekends. When we're not watching/reading it, we're singing the songs or calling Jane and Michael on the phone. The obsession came to full-on stalker status when we went and saw 'Mary Poppins: The Broadway Musical" in Denver. Seeing all the Mary Poppins characters right in front of us (we were 11th row) singing at the top of their lungs was a little intense at first, but Madison eventually got into it and was so enthralled she could just stare. Not talk, not drink, not clap, just stare. And at the end she got a Mary Poppins Barbie doll. When we got home that night (somehow she was still awake!), she ran around the house naked singing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" with her half-naked Mary Poppins in her hand. Classic~!
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