Friday, December 16, 2016


The eagle has landed. A light went on in Connor's head and he realized he could get from Point A to Point B, and even tho his little limbs aren't quite in tune with his brain yet, he manages to do it! You can almost see the wheels churning as he gets his mind set on something and reaches and hurls himself across the room. It's kind of like a combo Army-crawl/fish-out-of-water thing happening, and it's awesome! He's pretty proud of himself!
I realized this blog uses flash for all videos, so anyone viewing on a mobile or tablet is not going to be able to watch them, and it will just show a blank square which is annoying. So I am going to chill out on the video posts. I may still need to include one of crawling though!
So besides that milestone, we've had some other recent activity in our household like: Travel! Connor has now been on THREE trips in a airplane already. 1st trip: To Alabama with me & Madison (solo mama!) to go to my niece Jamie's wedding. Age 4 months. Flew on a tiny plane and I brought waaay too much stuff but that was by far the easiest trip so far because all he did was sleep on my lap and nurse. 2nd trip: To Indiana (all of us) to visit Todd's family and friends. Age 6 months. Got to visit most of the midwest relatives and friends in Todd's stomping ground. We rented a car and that was a fun trip. 3rd trip: To Virginia over Thanksgiving! This was the most recent trip, and definitely the most challenging as far as baby-on-board. He wasn't as content to be held in one spot (plus it was a longer flight) and was no longer just breast-milking-it, but eating real foods too, which are messy/sticky/not so fun on an airplane. So while we had a blast in VA once we were there, I can see why people don't travel so much with babies! I am glad we took those first couple trips in the beginning for the experience!
Here are some fun pics for your blog-viewing pleasure.
And stay tuned for a very special guest blogger on here... TBA!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Six Month Stats & First Sickness!

Well we finally had Connor's six-month checkup at the pediatrician last week. He was unfortunately sick with his first cold (!) and so we didn't end up doing his vaccinations yet. We will have them done next week hopefully if he is all better. Reallllllly hoping he's all better because I'm not sure how long we can deal with the not-sleeping/snotty-nose/mouth-breathing baby every night. Sigh. It's not so bad during the day when he is sitting up and playing, but at night he gets stuffy as soon as he lays down in the crib. I've used that snot sucker more times than I can count (thanks Kazumi!!) and he haaaates it. They recommended using saline spray which helps slightly but doesn't decrease the hate. I'll spare you any more snot details 😪😫😭 and here are the six month stats!
Height: 28" (79th %)
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz (58th %)
Head: 46 1/2" (97th %)

I looked back in Madison's baby book and see that she was 17 lbs 10 oz at age 1. So either we have a giant baby or she was a lil thing, I can't remember. I think she was a chubby baby until she started crawling/walking so it makes me wonder if the same thing will happen to him. Right now he seems content just sitting and playing and watching his big sister!

Speaking of Madison, she has asked me to post different Halloween pictures than the ones below, so I am going to post a couple here and take those out. We had a blast on Halloween, went trick-or-treating on our street first and then met friends in a "cool" neighborhood (as opposed to ours, where people barely put out pumpkins)... These houses were decorated in "themes" -- there was an Oktoberfest house complete with free beer in the garage and a pretzel machine out front... A circus house with a big top tent and fortune telling... and a hot dog house with a hot dog stand! The best costume we saw was Pac Man and the ghosts!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Madison's Class Blog

Madison sort of inspired me to start working on this blog again, as she came home the other day saying: "at school we made a blog!" 
Check it out here! Madison's class blog
You have to then enter code: gdekj72
It's a little sparse but right now they have Halloween poems they have written so check it out to get you in a spooky mood! :)
And in the meantime, here's a little Halloween preview!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hello, World!

Todd & I recently discovered that this blog still exists! And amazingly, the links still work! We had a lot of fun going back and looking through it. It's like a little time capsule of our lives, of Madison, of my mom, of the move.... Wow - a lot has happened and it's hard to even sum up in words. Considering Todd and I will be the only ones ever reading this, I don't think I need to fill in a lot of details. Maybe I'll post first and see who responds..
Anyway I eventually dropped the blog. It's hard to write about hard times. It's hard to be without my mom. I think about her every day, all the time.

As we were reading the old posts, we tried to compare what Madison was doing with what Connor is doing now... Yes, we now have a new little person around, named Connor! We surprised all our friends and family (and us!) by having another baby. We had hoped for another and you just never know... So we feel extra blessed! And I have to say more power to the people who have a toddler followed by a newborn... Because even with a big kid and a newborn, it's still hard! I guess that's going to be the focus of this blog and I think he will be lots of fun to write about. Now that I'm not on social media I have to have somewhere to brag, right?? I'm going to start with his 4 month stats since I have a "Four month stats" post for Madison (Four Month Stats)
Connor! 4 months stats
Height: 25 3/4" (47th %)
Weight: 16 lbs 6 oz (50th %)
Head: 17 1/2" (95th %)
Connor 4 mos!
Being typical 2nd time around parents I guess, we are not as good about keeping track of everything... I love reading that 4 month stats post about Madison and seeing that I wrote in her baby book *the day she rolled over* and thought I was bad writing about it 2 weeks later! Hahahaha. We are not exactly sure when Connor first rolled over, or when he started doing it regularly, but he sure as heck is doing it now! It's hard to get a diaper on this kid sometimes, he's like a roly poly all over the place. Although I do have to say, in reading Madison's blog, she was definitely doing things earlier than he is (shh! don't tell her that)! Chalk it up to being a girl, I guess, the experts are right, I think they develop earlier! Connor is doing great though, and I think part of it is that he's a little chunker, so he's happy just sort of hanging out. He's in no great hurry to move around or try to crawl yet. He's content to just observe the world around him and laugh a whole lot at his big sister. We *love* seeing him light up and laugh the minute he sees her. He seriously worships this girl and I think she knows it and also knows she has the ability to crush his soul. Sigh. Here is a vid from a couple months ago where he's just cracking up. :)

And I have to post this other video of the first time he was "talking," at about 3 months. Just too darn cute! See, I have all this catching up to do since I haven't had any outlet for all this stuff, other than my dad who doesn't understand it!

Connor is now 6 months old but I don't have his stats yet because he hasn't yet had his checkup. But he is doing lots of big kid things... Sitting up, grabbing, eating! So stay tuned!

This video seemed fitting!

One day old

4 months old


Back in Blog-action, Kfunk.