Friday, January 27, 2017


Here is the link for Madison's class blog - "Kidblog" ☺
Join code (good thru Feb 10th: c6yg4rh)

And in case any of you are wondering, YES, Madison did write that last blog entry! I know there were some doubters (um, Dad!)... Well, I started out writing it for her and she said no, it would be easier if she typed it herself. So that is what she did! I know it's a bit rambling.. well that is a typical example of a conversation with this kid!

And - stay tuned for "BUSINESS TRIP!" (My next blog post)
Sincerely, Kristin

Friday, January 13, 2017

Guest Blogger!

Hi everybody! You may know me as Kristin's daughter MadisonπŸ˜ƒ Today, I'm so excit ed to be here guest blogging. I'm going to talk about some very exciting things that have been happening with me...
Well, first, I had Christmas! and I got tons of good presents! For my books, I got a really good book, Story Thieves and another good book Twice Upon a Time, they are both written by author James Riley   who I would recommend to kids ages 10 and up.. I also got a cool book called Key Hunters with Even and Cleo who can go into books in a secret library and to get out they have to get a key πŸ”‘ from the book!
I also have the new edition in the family Baby Connor who is quite adorable he had his first Christmas recently he got some really cool presents but I think I got more! I think his favorite present was a light up aquarium that makes the fish swim around he can turn it on and off himself It's super cool I had one like it when I was a baby too.
For Christmas I got also a electric scooter it is FAST! I got a snow cone machine too it is awesome me and my friend Kiera, stared it for the first time a few weeks ago, the flavor was tropical punch!
I got an air brush kit to it's so cool you put it through your mouth and blow and color comes out, there's also a magic white marker that makes the air brush thing change color!
Another new things that happening is that Connor has now started crawling and pulling him self up on ledges ! It's adorable and scary at the same time! My nickname for him is "Boo bear" because I think he is really cute and looks like a Boo bear the way his eyes pop out and as he smiles, he's really addicted to me! Seriously! I think I may be his favorite person in the whole world. I remember st the hospital when he was just a newborn and he first saw me and he opened his eyes at me and I knew he was going to like me, and we were going to be good brother and sister friends.
My new kitty that I got last July is Pippin and we got him when he was only 5 weeks old as a little fluff ball. I think his favorite people are me and my mom, I think were his favorite because he hugs us a lot. And I think it's really an adorable talent that he can hug, and my old kitty Solly didn't even know how to hug. Pippen is silly, he acts like my big high bed is his giant kitty mansion.🐱
School has been going very good for me, but I have had a lot of tests which is really annoying, but a lot of my friends are there when I need them. School has been fun, mostly at recess. πŸ˜€ During normal hours, not so fun. It's better than college I guess but not better than kindergarten! My class is actually doing a blog too which is why I am so good at writing a blog! If you want to see it, go to:
And use class code:

One weird thing that's been happening is - I've just been getting generally hurt! Like, I'll wake up with an owie arm, or ill look down st school and see a scratch on my leg. It's weird!
One really sad thing that is happening in school is that we are reading a really sad and heartfelt story that is non fiction is a story about a little girl named Abby, and she has dark skin, and she can't go places or do things like normal. It was in the olden days. Me and my friend Dylan cried, it's so sad.
One of my fsvortite things at school is doing PE, and playing basketball. It's been really fun, because me and my friend Dylan in my class have been partners. The only part I don't like is playing a real game, and dodging people and getting hurt and getting sweaty, it gives me the chills!
Well, I'm also really excited for my 10th birthday! πŸŽ‰ Right now I'm almost 9, but my mom said for my 10th birthday I instead of having a party I can go anywhere in the world on a trip and I think I will pick Hawaii! I've never been there but my mom and dad have and they say it's awesome!!!
One of the clothing items I normally wear: daily: are: Headbands! Headbands are just easy in the mornings and I love them. Sure I like hair clips and hair bands but headbands are the best.
And finally, my last word to the public-- I Love Art. I'm really good at animals, I love making their eyes and making them look so different, and I think they are easier to draw than people. People are hard to draw but I love art!
Well thanks for reading it was a pleasure to write this for you, Your Friend, Madison Sanford πŸ˜ƒπŸ©

Monday, January 9, 2017

Glenwood Springs

A few pictures from the last post ☺☺☺
Driving through Glenwood Canyon

 Bundled πŸ‘Ά
 We made it! The hot springs
 My happy place πŸ’—

 Hotel pool
Bighorn sheep in the parking lot
 The day after we got home ⛄


As I write the title of this post, I can't help but think the next post will be called "Walking!" Ack! How time flies and we are so not ready! πŸ‘Ά!

Lately our lil man is able to pull up (!!) all by himself! He's happy just to stand there smiling (I wonder how long that will last!) because if he moves he may topple over. I sort of miss the days when we could sit him on a blanket surrounded by toys and that was enough.. (sigh!) but it sure is fun seeing him learn new things and be proud of himself. And it's been all coming on pretty quick ever since the crawling started. Todd and I have likened it to someone coming out of a coma... now he's ready to SEE & DO everything! ALL AT ONCE! Our sleepy baby is not so sleepy anymore! We are finding things to babyproof that it hadn't occurred to us to babyproof. Even things like rocking chairs that little hands can go under.. drawers that can pinch.. cat food to be eaten. And the carbon monoxide detector has been a big hit. So we are catching on... Connor is keeping us on our toes!
Also a quick holiday update: For Christmas (& my bday!) we just stayed local and had fun seeing what Santa brought. Todd and I were exhausted but it was a really special, magical time for the kiddos. Connor was pretty clueless but Madison "helped" open all his presents. For New Years we spent the weekend in Glenwood Springs. I truly love it there. We have been before on New Years but stayed at a different hotel this time. I wasn't sure about bringing Connor in the hot springs, but saw plenty of other babies there (including a 2-month old!) and there are varying degrees of the pools so you can go in some of the milder ones and don't have to stay in the hot part. This time Madison and I made it til dark, but didn't stay til midnight like last time. She is a trooper, tho- when she wants to do something she is in for the long haul! We also took the gondola up the to the alpine adventure park this time - too cold to do most things but fun to walk around!

My bday 🎁
 Christmas πŸŽ…

Christmas crafts
Pippen πŸ‘Ώ
Finally - some "boy" toys!