Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hokie Hope

Now that football season has started, I've been inundated with images of Virginia Tech out on the football field, praying for classmates and wearing their ribbons. It had to be weird for them to go back out on the field and do something as silly as a football game after what they've endured this past year. Yet, somehow it's often the simplest things, like sports, that bring people together and allow them to continue whatever routine they had before. Our routine is life, and no matter what, we have to keep on, keepin on.

Some of my local friends wondered why I was so stricken by the Virginia Tech tragedy. "It didn't affect me as much as Columbine," they said. I guess it's a JMU thing, and a college thing, and a sheltered-world-of-your-twenties thing for me, but I just couldn't fathom that happening as it did. And I can't quite explain it in words, but it will sadly continue to affect me for the rest of my life. Here are some pages from our latest "Madison" alumni magazine.