Yesterday our due date came & went. I guess that's what people are talking about when they say don't get too hung up on your due date! So we spent the last three weeks stressing that the baby might actually come *early*, when all along the little stinker was already planning on being *late*!
I can't say I'm surprised, knowing my track record and all....
In the meantime, I honestly feel fine except for the whole getting huge part. I actually bump into corners and doorways because I forget that I've got another passenger up front! Ha! OK that sounded weird but you get the idea!
So don't worry, I am keeping myself busy by talking on the phone, taking walks to the park, watching lots of "Baby Story" and "Oprah" (of course!), and playing with the cats. Oh, and online scrabble & Battlestar Galactica episodes on DVD have been occupying a good portion of our time lately too :)
So keep sending positive baby vibes our way and maybe soon this little bundle will make an appearance! It's kind of weird not knowing when it's gonna happen! The doctors were talking about inducing but let's hope it happens naturally in the meantime!