Been meaning to post this picture of Madison at 8 weeks...... This was taken in our backyard and the line across her face is just from the sunlight through the fence..... :)
So, yes! Our baby is actually over 2 months old now... it's pretty crazy! The time is flying by.
Some of Madison's latest milestones include:
"Talking" to us or her giraffe on her mobile. We can usually tell when this is about to happen. She'll stop what she's doing and concentrate very hard, then start to form an "o" shape with her mouth & stick out her tongue. A little smile forms and a tiny "coo" comes out. She'll wait a minute and more cooing, like she's having a conversation. A conversation about coo and goo. It's the cutest thing! One of these days I'll get my act together & actually upload a video.
"Talking" to us or her giraffe on her mobile. We can usually tell when this is about to happen. She'll stop what she's doing and concentrate very hard, then start to form an "o" shape with her mouth & stick out her tongue. A little smile forms and a tiny "coo" comes out. She'll wait a minute and more cooing, like she's having a conversation. A conversation about coo and goo. It's the cutest thing! One of these days I'll get my act together & actually upload a video.
Grabbing at things. OK, it's more like batting, but it's definitely intentional arm movement! She loves her stuffed giraffe (or just about anything you dangle in front of her) and will again get the little look of concentration before batting at it. With some luck, she'll actually get a hold of it & immediately try to put it in her mouth! Our pediatrician says this is very advanced, of course! ;) This intentional arm movement will be huge if we can get past the Crazy Arms swinging up into her face!
Sleeping through the night. I'm probably going to regret posting this, but lately we've had a string of long-term sleep at night. Like 5, 6, even 7 hours at a time! Last night she slept from 1am to 8:30am! Knock on wood right now!!
Getting bigger. Our neighbor described it as the "Winston Churchill look" -- the big chubby jowls and giant head that babies get... Next all we need is a little bowtie & suit!