Back in the days I can hardly remember now, Todd and I took a class at the hospital: Intro to Childbirth 101. Pretty eye-opening to those who had never had kids (!) but did it really need to be four weeks long?
Anyway, one of the things I took away from that class was that I should make a birth CD. As in, a music CD to accompany the birth. The instructor gave us all kids of tips on what to bring to the hospital, but for some reason the one thing I really focused on was the birth CD!
I spent hours coming up with the perfect songs. Death Cab for Cutie: "Where Soul Meets Body"; Papas Fritas: "I Believe in Fate"; Radiohead: "Exit Music" (Today is the day we escape); The Beatles: "Blackbird" (All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arrive); etc......
I pictured us going through contractions, holding hands, in slow-motion like, while I explained the meaning of each song to Todd (it was a surprise) and he commented on my uber cool musical abilities.
Yep! That's how it was gonna happen!
Needless to say, the birth CDs (I had so many great songs I had to make two!) were forgotten the minute we got to the hospital. I found them approximately three months later when I finally unpacked my hospital bag, along with the cute pjs and things I planned to wear around the hospital halls.
They are now the musical backdrop for me & Madison when we wake in the morning or are winding down at night, and for nursing and gazing into each others' eyes. Each song is a reminder to me of how I wanted to bring my baby into this world. And someday maybe I'll even tell Madison the meaning of each song!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The babes, they are a-growin'
Then (Maya- 3 mos, Madison - 1 1/2 mos):

And now! (Madison - 4 1/2 mos, Maya - 6 mos):

Gotta love MJ's chubby little legs!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
rice cereal
We finally broke down and decided to try rice cereal. It's weird- you kind of hear mixed things. Like, our pediatrician told us to hold off on introducing any solids until MJ is 6 months old, based on the idea that they can get food allergies earlier. Yet other people (and books) seem to assume rice cereal is like a standard thing for 4-month-old babies.
In any case, with the semi- OK from our pediatrician, and the hope(!) that it would help MJ sleep longer at night, we gave it the ol' college try.

These pics were taken on day 2, before we realized wearing a bib was key. :)
And after the first couple of tries, she seemed to really like it! And I don't know if it's just our imagination, but she is definitely sleeping in longer stretches now at night. She can pretty much go from 10pm - 8/9am with only one wake-up, usually around 2 or 3. Of course, this hasn't happened *every* night but we've started to notice a trend! Fingers crossed!
In any case, with the semi- OK from our pediatrician, and the hope(!) that it would help MJ sleep longer at night, we gave it the ol' college try.
And after the first couple of tries, she seemed to really like it! And I don't know if it's just our imagination, but she is definitely sleeping in longer stretches now at night. She can pretty much go from 10pm - 8/9am with only one wake-up, usually around 2 or 3. Of course, this hasn't happened *every* night but we've started to notice a trend! Fingers crossed!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Madison & Alayna, red white & blue babies! ~ ~ ~


The girls were troopers. Alayna lasted almost the whole night, but then crashed out right before the fireworks...! MJ fell asleep early on but then woke up when the fireworks started, and I held her up on my shoulder to watch. She actually managed little tiny "ooh" sounds every once in a while after the big ones. Impressive for a four-month-old! I really didn't think she'd even notice! She probably thought it was like her Twinkle Turtle, on a grand scale!
~ ~ ~
And later that night:
Speaking of Summer...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Summer Movies
I've been meaning to write about my two most highly-anticipated movies of the summer (of the year! of my life!) and I am happy to say they were both awesome!
***BTW if you haven't seen these then stop reading right now!***
Sex And the City: The Movie
This movie was all that I expected it to be and more... I loved how the characters still rang true to themselves; it was kind of like watching an extended version of the show. I still can't get over how long it was! I had to pee about 1/4 of the way into the movie, and thinking it was almost over, decided to hold it. Eventually I caved and then realized there was still like 2 hours left!
I loved that they had Samatha living in L.A. - my only complaint was all the scenes of her sitting around bored, wishing she was in New York. We got it. And what was up w/ Smith?? Was that bad plastic surgery, or did he just age weird? In any case, Big was still the hottest guy on the show. Although it would have been nice to have some sort of reoccurance of Aidan. And although the ending with Big was completely predictable, it was nice to see it finally happening for real this time. One thing I noticed during the final proposal scene though was that Carrie seemed to have lost her "voice" again. If anyone has seen the commentary version of the episode where Carrie moves to Paris, you'll know what I mean. Man, it's a good thing I don't write movie reviews, huh, cause I'm pretty much giving away the whole thing!
Oh, and my only teensy-weensie other nerdy complaint is that Carrie's password was supposedly "love" -- hello??? Who has a non-alphanumeric password these days? Will a computer even let you do that? They could have at least said: "with a zero for the o" or something like that. ;)
But my overall consensus of the movie = awesome!
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
So, my Indiana Jones review isn't nearly as in-depth, as the movie itself was kind of, um, glossy, but that's okay, I still loved it! I wasn't expecting much and was just excited that they made another movie in the first place. I've been awaiting this moment since high school! And while there were definite cheese elements (like the "crystal skull" looked like it weighed about 3 ounces!), you still felt like: wow! I'm watching Indiana Jones! the whole way through, which was cool. I think we all forgot about why the were on a journey and to where about halfway through the movie (especially after the tri-waterfall drop, ha), but it really didn't matter. I'd see it again any day! A great popcorn flick! And what better excuse to get a break from the baby! Thanks to the hubby :)
***BTW if you haven't seen these then stop reading right now!***
Sex And the City: The Movie
This movie was all that I expected it to be and more... I loved how the characters still rang true to themselves; it was kind of like watching an extended version of the show. I still can't get over how long it was! I had to pee about 1/4 of the way into the movie, and thinking it was almost over, decided to hold it. Eventually I caved and then realized there was still like 2 hours left!
I loved that they had Samatha living in L.A. - my only complaint was all the scenes of her sitting around bored, wishing she was in New York. We got it. And what was up w/ Smith?? Was that bad plastic surgery, or did he just age weird? In any case, Big was still the hottest guy on the show. Although it would have been nice to have some sort of reoccurance of Aidan. And although the ending with Big was completely predictable, it was nice to see it finally happening for real this time. One thing I noticed during the final proposal scene though was that Carrie seemed to have lost her "voice" again. If anyone has seen the commentary version of the episode where Carrie moves to Paris, you'll know what I mean. Man, it's a good thing I don't write movie reviews, huh, cause I'm pretty much giving away the whole thing!
Oh, and my only teensy-weensie other nerdy complaint is that Carrie's password was supposedly "love" -- hello??? Who has a non-alphanumeric password these days? Will a computer even let you do that? They could have at least said: "with a zero for the o" or something like that. ;)
But my overall consensus of the movie = awesome!
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
So, my Indiana Jones review isn't nearly as in-depth, as the movie itself was kind of, um, glossy, but that's okay, I still loved it! I wasn't expecting much and was just excited that they made another movie in the first place. I've been awaiting this moment since high school! And while there were definite cheese elements (like the "crystal skull" looked like it weighed about 3 ounces!), you still felt like: wow! I'm watching Indiana Jones! the whole way through, which was cool. I think we all forgot about why the were on a journey and to where about halfway through the movie (especially after the tri-waterfall drop, ha), but it really didn't matter. I'd see it again any day! A great popcorn flick! And what better excuse to get a break from the baby! Thanks to the hubby :)
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