Sunday, July 27, 2008


Back in the days I can hardly remember now, Todd and I took a class at the hospital: Intro to Childbirth 101. Pretty eye-opening to those who had never had kids (!) but did it really need to be four weeks long?

Anyway, one of the things I took away from that class was that I should make a birth CD. As in, a music CD to accompany the birth. The instructor gave us all kids of tips on what to bring to the hospital, but for some reason the one thing I really focused on was the birth CD!

I spent hours coming up with the perfect songs. Death Cab for Cutie: "Where Soul Meets Body"; Papas Fritas: "I Believe in Fate"; Radiohead: "Exit Music" (Today is the day we escape); The Beatles: "Blackbird" (All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arrive); etc......

I pictured us going through contractions, holding hands, in slow-motion like, while I explained the meaning of each song to Todd (it was a surprise) and he commented on my uber cool musical abilities.

Yep! That's how it was gonna happen!


Needless to say, the birth CDs (I had so many great songs I had to make two!) were forgotten the minute we got to the hospital. I found them approximately three months later when I finally unpacked my hospital bag, along with the cute pjs and things I planned to wear around the hospital halls.

They are now the musical backdrop for me & Madison when we wake in the morning or are winding down at night, and for nursing and gazing into each others' eyes. Each song is a reminder to me of how I wanted to bring my baby into this world. And someday maybe I'll even tell Madison the meaning of each song!