Friday, September 12, 2008

Rainy day girl

Sittin on the porch watching the rain this morning......

I was trying to get Madison to talk on camera. It's funny, she babbles and talks what seems like constantly now, and yet I feel like we never have the camera around or the battery is dead, the memory is full, etc! It's the story of my life! Batteries and me do not agree. And then when the camera is actually around she clams up. Ha. But this was a pretty cute impromtu moment this morning.

A few things I left off of the 6-month update the other day are:

Amazingly, this girl is a sleeping champ! For those who remember my last blog about sleep, we spent months of being sleep-deprived and I like how my friend Jenny put it, it was like "Chinese Water Torture"- ha. But around 5 1/2 months she turned a corner, and much to my persuasion (golf clap here for Mommy!) we were able to get her eating only once a night. Which ultimately resulted in her waking up only once a night! So now our nighttime schedule is:
8:30pm last nursing and bed
5am wake up and nurse
8:30/9:30am wakeup for real
Naps approx 11-1, 3-5
Of course, it's not always an exact schedule *every* day, but so far so good!!! Eventually we'll probably have to move the bedtime up so morning can start earlier. Daycare and all. Ugh. Not Mommy's choice!!

Within a few days, "words" like "ba" have become "blabla," "baba," etc. I know it doesn't seem very monumental to those without kids, but it's cool to see how quickly she picks things up and develops it into the next new thing.

OK we are nowhere close to walking yet (thank goodness!!!), but when we were at the Minsons' last weekend, she tried out her first time in a walker. It was cute- you could see the wheels churning in her head as she realized her little steps equalled movement. She mastered the backwards step/push pretty quick!

That's all the mommy brain can remember for right now!