Well I was really affected by the Christmas shooting that happened in California, and was semi- thinking about writing about it, but I decided that was too depressing and I'm sure everyone who read my last article about the Va Tech shootings knows how I feel about gun control. That was so sad though. All of it.
The latest news with me is that I've come down with a case of mastisis, ugh. If you don't know what that is, you don't wanna know! I think it's a result of Madison sleeping all night long for the past few weeks and therefore not nursing as much. So I'm on antibiotics and trying to be healthy and just waiting for it to go away! Made for a fun New Year's!!!!
Look what Santa brought!

A couple videos:
Bein silly:
Favorite games:
"chasing" the kitties
crawling up the stairs
"hiding" while we look around
Picking out books to read
Dropping things on the floor (a classic!)
Favorite words:
Mama, Mommy (of course!)
Dada, Daddy
Mama, Mommy (of course!)
Dada, Daddy
Kitty (which ends up sounding more like "diddy" or other words that rhyme with "kitty" :)