Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone!
Have I mentioned how hard it is to get a picture of this child when she's not moving these days?? This was my attempt to get a picture in her Irish top, which was originally a little dress, straight from Ireland! Thanx again, Euro-dinner clubbers! And upon further examination of the photo, I noticed she's got one hand on the cord and the other on the remote. Nice.
So today mark's Madison's 13-month birthday. I decided to post a few pictures from a "big girl" birthday party we went to the other day at "Monkey Bizzness" (think Gymboree for big kids with some sugar thrown in). I think after she got over the initial stimulation overload, she really liked it and had a lot of fun!
It took a little while to warm up to all the excitement

Switched into play clothes
The 4-year-old birthday girl
Chillin with the big kids, eatin Cheetos
Birthday parties are fun!!
And I can still fit in Mama's belly wrap! Sort of!