A couple people have mentioned that they like videos on here, and this is one I liked from a couple weeks ago. For some reason it seems hard to grab the camera, turn it on, switch it to video, & press the button during those opportune moments where Madison is giggling & happy & doing something cute all while, of course, THINKING to videotape it in the first place!
Anyhoo, this one was taken while Madison was "dancing." That is, right up until I got the camera out. And so the video consists of me trying to get her to dance again. Which basically means flexing her knees up and down, with an occasional kick thrown in for effect. And the bonus is that you get to hear me singing "Kookaburra." But anyway, I also like this video is because you can see Madison's E.T.-style walk.
In other news, Madison had an allergic reaction to something a couple weeks ago and broke out all over in hives. The doctor thought it might have been due to the antibiotics she was on for an ear infection (amoxicillin), and quickly gave her benedryl and took her off the antibiotics. The hives cleared up within a day but I was pretty freaked out by the experience. It was like, one minute she was fine, the next minute bright red and spotty. I'd never seen anything like it. You should have heard me on the phone to the doctors, I was a nervous wreck. But the good news is that she's fine and we're going to an allergist this week to determine if she has an food allergies or anything else that could have caused it.
And, last but not least, Madison got baptised on Sunday, which happened to be Palm Sunday. My mom came in town for it and Madison wore my grandfather's 100+ year old gown! It was a nice ceremony and she seemed to really know it was about her! Can't wait for Easter!