Our little MJ has quite a busy world these days. After I got back from Vegas, which already threw Madison for a loop, I threw her for an even bigger loop by going back to work full time - ! (for the time being). Her Grandma Kennedy was here, followed by her Nana and Pawpaw from Indiana, so she's been spoiled by visitors, but even so, that's a lot of changes for one little elf. She has started going to day care three days a week and seems to really like it (except for the actual drop-off -- Mommy needs to work on that), and is in many ways acting like a Big Girl. She is making her mind known with an amazing vocabulary and even gives commands these days: "Daddy, sit down!" She loves climbing on things and did her first amateur rock climbing up in Rocky Mountain National Park. She hasn't yet started any type of tantrum-throwing or needing time-out (knock on wood for us right now!!), but I've seen many of her little friends going through these stages in our playgroups, and I'm sure it is probably right around the corner.... But in the meantime we are enjoying our sweet one-and-a-half year old and holding on to the last bit of summer/fall before the snow sets in!
Some pics from MJ's world: