Here are some more pictures of our crazy little miss personality. Being a drama queen, a band geek, a snow bunny, and hiding behind a tree! She is excited about Halloween and thanks to her buddy Hannah, will be going as a cat. As soon as she saw her cat costume, she proceeded to name it "Kit Kat," wore it around all night, and tucked it in on her changing table, a.k.a. Kit Kat's bed. I'm sure we will be posting pictures of trick-or-treating!
And in other news, we've had a ton of snow here, work is continuing to go well, and I have joined a book club! The book club is with my neighbor and her friends who are young and have *no kids*! So maybe these girls will keep me feeling young. They can at least hopefully get me to refrain from using phrases like "back in my day" and "blink and your kids grow up!" Right now we are reading 'The Likeness' which I am completely wrapped up in. Much to Todd's delight I have been up past midnight every night reading it by lamplight. That's when you know it's a good book!