Sorry about the lapse in blogging. I love writing on here but just forget sometimes. Anyway, it's been a busy month. Todd's parents came out to visit for a week when I went on my girls' trip to California, and Madison got in some quality Nana & Pawpaw time.
Madison is really into Tinkerbell and princess things right now, and when I got back, she had a new Tinkerbell movie and book from the Nana & Pawpaw fairy! One of her favorite parts in the movie is in the "special features" - a Selena Gomez video for the theme song. Complete with interpretive dancing, twirly dress, flower picking, and of course singing, it is a princess/fairy's dream come true. She'll sing and dance along to the video, picking imaginary flowers, etc. She is so into it w/ her facial expressions, etc, it is pretty funny to watch.
Another recent discovery is read-along books. We bought a book/CD combo at some point and forgot about it, but Madison rediscovered it and *loves* to "read along" and turn the pages at appropriate times. She'll do the same book over & over & over! I'm just happy she's found someone other than Mommy & Daddy who will read her the same book 10 times in a row.......
For Halloween, she alternated between Cinderella and Snow White (thanks Maria!) but ultimately chose Cinderella for the real deal on Halloween. Let's just say I was more than happy to send the Snow White costume back to Sadie, and hope we can focus on wearing "real clothes" once again now that Halloween has passed.....
Here are some pictures from Halloween and my trip. I had SO much fun in Scott's Valley and San Francisco, and am SO glad we are continuing the CLUB tradition!!!! We rock!!!!