Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kissing A Fool

Thanks to Evil Spock, I've decided to write about my obsession with love of George Michael.

I mean, of course, it all started off innocently enough. Like every other kid in the Eighties (including Evil Spock), I bopped to "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go," swooned to "Careless Whisper," and was secretly thrilled by the scandalous "I Want Your Sex."

Yet I really didn't discover George Michael until I purchased his Greatest Hits album on a whim last year in a used CD store. (!! yes! someone actually parted with that gem!)

I happened to have the luxury of taking a trip out to California last year to visit my best buds in Hollywood and San Francisco. I flew into L.A. and decided it would be fun to drive up to San Fran along the coast for the 2nd leg of the trip. Armed with a few beloved CDs, I hit the road.

And somehow I ended up listening to the Greatest Hits album like the entire time! (sprinkled with the Indigo Girls and various others, of course..)

Anyway, this song in particular really struck me. I love its night-club-y/lounge music feel. His voice. Velvet. Perfect! I never saw the video til now so I thought I'd post it for your vewing pleasure.

And after browsing around "Faith," "Freedom 90," etc, I just have to post this one too. Whatever happened to great videos like this?? Videos that actually told a story?? I loved these back in the day. Don't get me started on my Duran Duran kick :)

And here are a couple pictures from that drive. Sheer bliss.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dreamland Continued

So, I wrote about those dreams the other day and apparently Todd has been having weird dreams, too!

Then I got my first subscription of Fit Pregnancy magazine from my mom yesterday, and people had written in about their dreams--

Here are a few samples:

"When I was pregnant I dreamed that I had a litter of Siamese kittens. The
strange part was that this news didn't bother me: I was most upset about the
fact that I only had two nipples and would have to bottle-feed some of the

"I dreamed that I had a beautiful girl and we named her Listeria. I woke up
thinking that Listeria was a familiar word but could not place it. I soon
remembered that listeria are the bacteria that can cause listeriosis, an
illness that can lead to problems with delivery!"

"When I was about three months along, I had a dream that we dropped the
baby off at my dad's house. When we went to pick the baby up, I walked in and
asked, "Where is he?" My dad said, "Oh, he's in the dishwasher." I ran
into the kitchen and opened the dishwasher and there he was, snuggled safely!"

I am waiting for the college dreams where I am just partying all the time. Those will rock!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dream Theme

So, speaking of dreams... I have been having some really weird and interesting ones recently. And I just about always remember my dreams when I wake up these days....

There are 2 semi- recurring theme dreams I've had:

In one, I give birth to a kitten, and we have to keep him in the basement for 2 weeks because of our other cats. I feel sorry for him, and continually go down to the basement to check on him, but I feel my cats get priority since they were here first.

In the other one, I'm just about always moving into a dorm or some sort of group housing arrangement, or camp. I have the dorm ones the most, where I am going back to school and moving into the dorm and figuring out what's what. In some, the dorm involves lots of roommates to a room, and dividing up everybody's stuff. The camp and roommates ones are similar, in that I need to get used to living with lots of different kinds of people, and have some sort of arranged adventure ahead!

In some dreams I'm aware that I'm actually in my thirties and it's weird to be going back to school.... but in others it's like the most normal thing in the world. A chunk of life to go through; a new set of changes.

I think one thing that may influence the dorm dream is that I have a tendency to compare things to the 4-year college block of time. Like for instance, the first time I had a boyfriend longer than four years, a job more than four years, lived in the same town more than four years, etc-- I always think: that's longer than I was even in college! Which to me, seemed like an eternity. Maybe I am just realizing that life is a lot longer than that!

Who knows. But dreams are cool. Even Harley-cat dreams!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Last night Todd had a dream that we went to visit Grasshopper. We asked him how he was doing; how was farm life. He said it was okay, that it got kind of boring sometimes, but luckily there was a Harley-Davidson shop right down the road so he could get parts any time.

If ever there were a Harley-riding cat, it would be him!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sunny & Shadow

OK, I have just one more kitty rescue story to write about, and then I promise this blog won't be entirely about cats!

I get all mushy when I think about Sunny and Shadow, two little balls of grey fur, who appeared in our office one day as outcasts from a construction site. Our HR Mgr had picked them up at the construction site near her house, and they were brother and sister. She was prepared to take them to the Humane Society, where they would hopefully find homes but surely be separated.

I thought maybe, just MAYBE, I could bring them home and our cats would lovingly accept them, the orphans that they were. After our, our cats could appreciate being abandoned, right?

No dice. They were not having it!

So I kept the kitties for a few weeks, during which time we named them Sunny (girl) and Ray-Ray (boy). Um, the name Ray-Ray was not my idea!

We soon realized that having 4 cats in a condo would officially qualify me as the "crazy cat lady" (um, my husband pointed this out several times), so we started trying to find them a home.

Luckily, a good friend of mine from work decided he would give kitty-ownership a shot, and now sure enough he has become a crazy cat person, just like me! :) They are all getting along swimmingly! Oh and he renamed Ray-Ray to Shadow, which kinda seems a little more fitting for this cat -- Sunny & Shadow actually matches their personalities!

When you see these pictures you'll know why we had to keep them together... There was really no other choice!!! :)