I mean, of course, it all started off innocently enough. Like every other kid in the Eighties (including Evil Spock), I bopped to "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go," swooned to "Careless Whisper," and was secretly thrilled by the scandalous "I Want Your Sex."
Yet I really didn't discover George Michael until I purchased his Greatest Hits album on a whim last year in a used CD store. (!! yes! someone actually parted with that gem!)
I happened to have the luxury of taking a trip out to California last year to visit my best buds in Hollywood and San Francisco. I flew into L.A. and decided it would be fun to drive up to San Fran along the coast for the 2nd leg of the trip. Armed with a few beloved CDs, I hit the road.
And somehow I ended up listening to the Greatest Hits album like the entire time! (sprinkled with the Indigo Girls and various others, of course..)
Anyway, this song in particular really struck me. I love its night-club-y/lounge music feel. His voice. Velvet. Perfect! I never saw the video til now so I thought I'd post it for your vewing pleasure.
And after browsing around "Faith," "Freedom 90," etc, I just have to post this one too. Whatever happened to great videos like this?? Videos that actually told a story?? I loved these back in the day. Don't get me started on my Duran Duran kick :)
And here are a couple pictures from that drive. Sheer bliss.