I get all mushy when I think about Sunny and Shadow, two little balls of grey fur, who appeared in our office one day as outcasts from a construction site. Our HR Mgr had picked them up at the construction site near her house, and they were brother and sister. She was prepared to take them to the Humane Society, where they would hopefully find homes but surely be separated.
I thought maybe, just MAYBE, I could bring them home and our cats would lovingly accept them, the orphans that they were. After our, our cats could appreciate being abandoned, right?
No dice. They were not having it!
So I kept the kitties for a few weeks, during which time we named them Sunny (girl) and Ray-Ray (boy). Um, the name Ray-Ray was not my idea!
We soon realized that having 4 cats in a condo would officially qualify me as the "crazy cat lady" (um, my husband pointed this out several times), so we started trying to find them a home.
Luckily, a good friend of mine from work decided he would give kitty-ownership a shot, and now sure enough he has become a crazy cat person, just like me! :) They are all getting along swimmingly! Oh and he renamed Ray-Ray to Shadow, which kinda seems a little more fitting for this cat -- Sunny & Shadow actually matches their personalities!
When you see these pictures you'll know why we had to keep them together... There was really no other choice!!! :)