Our other beach vacations in Cape Charles were to join my brother Brian and his family (along with my mom & dad). They rented a house down there and we ended up driving down there two consecutive weekends! The drive can vary anywhere from 3-9 hours (ha - not kidding) so on average it took us about 4 1/2 each way. Somehow it took my brother 9 hours to drive there from McLean, but you also have to factor in that they have 4 kids. Glad I wasn't in that car- ! Cape Charles is in VA and is really on Chesapeake Bay (not the ocean), but it is a pretty mellow scene and the water is calm and shallow, so in a way it is a parents' dream. I could actually hang out on the beach and read magazines while the kids had a ball. Although even on the "real" beach (SC), the kids mainly just dug a giant hole and played in that the whole time. ha. Hours of entertainment!
In the rest of our Nova existence, Todd is still liking his job doing climate science and has been very busy working on a report most of the summer about climate change and health impact. They presented it to various Congress people on Capital Hill and he's been mingling with the politically aware, of which I am not. He has been enjoying doing the political thing and working for a good cause. When we moved, I also went back to work as a contractor for my old company in Boulder, and work from home in Springfield. It really isn't much different than it was working in Boulder, although I do miss going into the office and seeing all my friends at work. That was always something to look forward to about working. Madison is doing great and going to preschool "camp" a couple days a week. They call it camp because I guess they just mostly hold hands and sing songs, rather than learning their ABCs or things they would normally do during the school year. I get the impression it's more "fun" than regular preschool and they also go to the pool once a week (!) and ride on a van and everything. Madison loves it. Although in the fall she'll go back to her old preschool again. It's in a church and has smaller classes (10-ish), which I like. Right now there are about 20 kids in her class and it's a little OOC. I just feel like the teachers know her better at the other school. And it's a little more real learning, altho it's hard to compare to "camp."
One other thing that's been keeping us afloat during all these big changes in our lives, is the support of all our family and friends during this. I've stayed in touch with all my buds out in Colorado, and reconnected with old friends from HS and college here in Nova. It's made for an easier transition to this whole thing, and I cherish my friends and family to no end. We've had quite a few visitors already -- thanks Heather & Dave for coming, thanks Jen Chen for meeting up (twice!), and thanks Nana & Pawpaw for visiting too -- we love you guys and am happy we've been able to see you. It is nice that DC is a little more central than Colorado for that reason! And to anyone else who might want to visit or will be in the area - please look us up! We love visitors! I promise we are getting a couch or a futon soon, and you won't have to sleep on the floor like Heather & Dave did! ;) Enjoy the summer and feel free to leave a comment if you read this~~!