In some ways it's hard to believe Madison is a walking, talking, crazy, fearless, full-of-herself three-year-old -- especially when I think back to her baby days and the early days of this blog. But, in other ways, it seems like she's been going-on three for so long that it's finally here. She has really become her own person over the past year or so and it's fun to see her personality blossoming.

We signed up for a new pediatrician when we moved here and had her three-year checkup. It was funny to hear the doctor ask things like: Does she look where you're pointing? Can she throw a ball? Does she group words? As she was sitting there giving a dissertation on the little mermaid and why she has to sleep underwater. I guess the questions are standard but they seemed a little more like for a two-year-old. Regardless, I was happy with the doctor and she passed with flying colors. She's now 37" tall and weighs 30 lbs, which is apparently 50th percentile for both, so that was reassuring. For a while she was low on the weight charts and is still a little peanut but is definitely getting up there.
I hope to keep posting about Madison's evolutions and our time in Virginia, including my mom & everyone here, so feel free to add comments if you feel the urge! That way I'll know if anyone still reads.