Happy Mother's Day to all those moms out there! This Mother's Day was an exciting one for me. I feel like we had a weekend-long of festivities. On Friday, Madison's preschool had a Mother's Day "program" and my mom came too! The little preschoolers sang in the church auditorium, then had a little party afterwards in the classroom when they gave us gifts they had made for us. Madison's was a painted picture frame she made with buttons glued on & a picture of her in it. She was so excited to be in on the surprise, it was great! Here is a picture her teacher took of her giving me my gift:

And here is a short video I took on my mom's camera!
It was great that my mom was included -- 3 generations. It was very special to me this year for a lot of reasons -- everything that's been going on with my mom's health mainly, but also that Madison seemed to "get it" and know it was a special day just for honoring the moms.
We went to church this morning and they had carnations for all the moms, plus a little breakfast afterwards w/ donuts! Anytime there are donuts involved I get excited. :)
Then we spent today over at my brother Brian's having a cookout and watching the kids play in the yard.
Oh yeah and we also spent the weekend ***moving*** into our new house! Yes, we finally found a place and moved our stuff out of storage & into the house! Now the fun part.. unpacking... We have to deal with that next. So at the moment we are still staying at my parents. But hopefully this week we'll get to the point where we can sleep there! I think my parents are ready to have their house back! The cats have made themselves right at home tho and my parents have really gotten used to them, so that will be one of the hardest adjustments for any of us, I think! We told my mom we were going to leave Madison & the cats with them, and we'll just live in our new house circa 2004-style. She wasn't buying it.