Tuesday, October 28, 2008

jean jacket baby - (thanx Bailey!)

This is one of my favorite pics lately. Meant to post it a couple weeks ago!

Hope everyone is having a good Halloween week!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I think I took these videos around the beginning of last week.... Just a little peek into our daily lives.... The crawling has progressed a bit into more of a "backwards slide," but no real forward movement yet!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thank You

I just wanted to say a big *thanks!* to everyone who voted for me on American Idol. Oh wait, I mean- to everyone who left a comment on here the other day! It's nice to know I have some readers out there..... And that they're not totally bored by all the baby stuff.... hahaha. Of course, there are those who *used to* read my blog in the past, but then gave up once it became All Things Madison.... I won't mention any names... Um, I guess they are too busy hanging out with people named "Felony!"

Here is my latest "Mom Wisdom" which could be filed under Things I Have Learned, Part 3:

- When in doubt, sing!
I've found it works for most everything. It is a great distraction for Madison when I'm trying to clip her nails, change her diaper, get her to sleep, just about anything she doesn't want to do anymore. And it's also a great calming technique for me. Pretty crazy how that works! It's kind of like taking a deep breath. It also works as a non-distraction during things like feeding when you want her to pay attention but everything else is a distraction at the time! ha.

Pensive Pumpkin

We are excited about fall and everything that comes with it!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Here is another 'attempt to crawl' vid - taken on my cell at a playgroup yesterday - at least you can see it! I didn't realize the lighting was so bad in that last vid!!!

By the way, one 'secret reader' feedback I got was: videos are fun! So I am gonna try to post more videos. You'll have to put up with my choreography skillz.

Personally I never really look at videos on the web because of the whole buffering, loading, yadda yadda yadda... so I'll try to make em short. And feel free to skip these if you want!

We are headed out to the CU / Texas game today. Go Buffs!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Hello, secret readers! I was gonna write about how the one person I had specific instructions for never responded (!) but okay, yesterday I finally saw a little note letting me know she truly is following Madison in cyber-world. She's a gramma... I guess I'll cut her some slack.... I should be impressed that she even knows what a computer is! ;) I mean, the email machine.

So I guess I am glad to see that everyone enjoys the Madison posts, but no asteroids anyone?
I did like the Halloween suggestion and I will definitely write about that. I have a few ideas in mind that involve felt, if I can get my butt over to the fabric shop before the end of the month.

Here is our latest feat ("standing!") along with a video attempt at crawling from the other nite (didn't realize it was so dark when I made it) and attempt to capture "mama" this morning at breakfast. She is saying it, I swear! After hearing "dada" for the past 2 weeks I am so ready!!!!