Sunday, January 24, 2010

MJ's Top Movies of the Decade

Todd & I were discussing my 'Top 10 Movies' post the other day, when MJ kept saying, "I have some! I have some!" when we realized she meant that SHE had some favorite movies TOO! C'mon, what were we thinking, not posting her movie list on here too? So with a little brainstorm of the movies she's seen in her short life thus far, we came up with this list. And if any of you know toddlers, they feel pretty strongly about their faves....
Without further adieu:

1. Frosty the Snowman
2. Rudulph
3. Dora's Christmas
4. Barney at the Zoo
5. Baby Van Gogh
6. Baby Beethoven
7. Baby Bach
8. The Wizard of Oz
9. Elmo's Birthday Party
10. Angelina Ballerina

My friend gave us VHS (!) tapes of the Baby Einstein movies before Madison was born, and I thought, ok, maybe we'll pop these in one night when she's not going to sleep... Not really thinking she'd pay attention. But around 12 or 15 mos or so, these became the SHIZZ for her. It was all she ever wanted to do. I think "Baby Van Gogh" was among her first words in fact. It was a little weird. She was mezmerized. She's now seen them all enough to memorize the commentary... and luckily has branched out to other movies too, saving us from investing further in Baby Einstein and also saving our sanity!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome 2010 & Reader Feedback

So, one of the big questions that came up while we were in Indiana, was:
Will you say: "Twenty-Ten" or "Two-Thousand Ten?"

Well, I guess it wasn't a "big" question for everybody, but it was for me!I personally am saying "Two-Thousand Ten," mainly because I was already in the habit of saying "Two-Thousand Nine." Todd insists that most people will say "Twenty-Ten" but I disagree...

So, now that it is actually 2010, how are you saying it? Reader feedback requested!

Another common discussion on our trip was: "Best ofs the Decade." As in, best movies of the decade, best albums of the decade, etc. I've decided to start out posting my Ten Favorite Movies of the Decade here. Notice I am not saying "Ten Best" but "Ten Favorites" and that way you can't argue with me since they're my own personal favorites! If you feel like expanding on your reader feedback here even more, I'd love to see other people's Fave Movies of the Decade as well.

I admit, I looked these up on imdb to find out the dates, just cause I was curious. But otherwise these were off the top of my head!

1. Almost Famous (2000)
2. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
3. Sex and the City, the Movie (2008)

4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
5. Oceans 11 (2001)
6. Mamma Mia (2008)
7. Children of Men (2006)
8. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
9. Into the Wild (2007)
10. Memento (2000)

Monday, January 4, 2010


Upon seeing a semi-strange man in the park:

"Man walking. Has gloves on. Jacket on. Hat on. Kinda weird."

To Todd:

"Mommy feel like Strawberry Shortcake."