Monday, November 7, 2016

Six Month Stats & First Sickness!

Well we finally had Connor's six-month checkup at the pediatrician last week. He was unfortunately sick with his first cold (!) and so we didn't end up doing his vaccinations yet. We will have them done next week hopefully if he is all better. Reallllllly hoping he's all better because I'm not sure how long we can deal with the not-sleeping/snotty-nose/mouth-breathing baby every night. Sigh. It's not so bad during the day when he is sitting up and playing, but at night he gets stuffy as soon as he lays down in the crib. I've used that snot sucker more times than I can count (thanks Kazumi!!) and he haaaates it. They recommended using saline spray which helps slightly but doesn't decrease the hate. I'll spare you any more snot details 😪😫😭 and here are the six month stats!
Height: 28" (79th %)
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz (58th %)
Head: 46 1/2" (97th %)

I looked back in Madison's baby book and see that she was 17 lbs 10 oz at age 1. So either we have a giant baby or she was a lil thing, I can't remember. I think she was a chubby baby until she started crawling/walking so it makes me wonder if the same thing will happen to him. Right now he seems content just sitting and playing and watching his big sister!

Speaking of Madison, she has asked me to post different Halloween pictures than the ones below, so I am going to post a couple here and take those out. We had a blast on Halloween, went trick-or-treating on our street first and then met friends in a "cool" neighborhood (as opposed to ours, where people barely put out pumpkins)... These houses were decorated in "themes" -- there was an Oktoberfest house complete with free beer in the garage and a pretzel machine out front... A circus house with a big top tent and fortune telling... and a hot dog house with a hot dog stand! The best costume we saw was Pac Man and the ghosts!