Friday, November 21, 2008


I have been meaning to write an "I Am Thankful For..." post for a while now. And yes, this smacks of a 5th-grade essay assignment, but it's just something I've been thinking about. And what better time than Thanksgiving week? It's true.

As most of you know, this has been a Year of Change for us. With a capital Y and a capital C! It all started with an innocent little roll in the hay, and look at us now! ;) Having a baby was just the tip of the iceberg. Being a parent, and now a stay-at-home-mom, has made me feel as if I've aged about 20 years in the last 9 months. I've learned, laughed, and loved on completely different levels than I ever thought possible. It's hard to imagine that just under a year ago I was still pregnant and couldn't even picture truly having a kid!!!

Then, in addition to having a baby, I lost my job, our (only) car broke down, and other day-to-day dramas were thrown into the mix of life.... Sigh. When it rains, it pours. Amidst all of this, it would be easy to focus on the negatives but overall these are truly happy times. I am so glad I have this extra time with our baby and that we have a happy, healthy child. What more could you ask for? These days I feel truly blessed.

And - (here's the thankful part :) - I am SO thankful for those who have helped us out in these trying times. Chances are if you are reading this, you are one of them!! We've had friends take us to lunch, buy us dinner, and give us clothes, books, & toys from their kids. And both of our families have helped us out financially which has truly been a lifesaver. It's times like this that you really appreciate your friends and family, and I/we cannot thank you enough. Thank You!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Smiley Morning Baby. Check out the little teeth showing!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


OK, I'm really only expecting the grandparents to watch this one (um it's kind of long)... but you can see that MJ is starting to "cruise!"

And - Happy 9-Month Birthday, Baby!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Catchin a ride

Solly always loves to trot right behind us when we go on walks, so I thought, hmm... what if - ?And I just happened to have my camera. Good thing cause you have to see it to believe it! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations, President Obama

And thanks to everyone who voted yesterday!!!! Wow, what an exciting night last night!!!! Of course, Madison slept through the whole thing and missed all the speeches.
Here is our tired little voter...

Here's to a new beginning for America!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Almost let Halloween pass without posting a pic of our happy little cowgirl!

I remember getting some red baby cowboy boots as a hand-me-down from a friend when Madison was first born and I thought, now what in the world am I ever going to do with these?!?!

And yes, I was the cheesy mom who matched her baby...

I figure there is only a limited time I'll be able to do this, so I've gotta milk it for all it's worth.....!