Saturday, February 2, 2008

You say goodbye, and I say hello

So, I hope everyone realizes this is soon going to become a baby blog... It's no doubt going to send some of my (thousands of!) readers elsewhere for stories of cat shenanigans, George Michael, and "Party of Five," but it's time I face the inevitable....

Tomorrow will mark *one week* till the baby's due date... Am I/are we ready?? Um, still not sure!

(BTW I can't say the words "one week" w/o getting that Barenaked Ladies song stuck in my head....)

Yesterday was my last "official" day in the office and I spent most of it saying goodbye to people. I have to say it was a really weird feeling.

I've worked for the same company for the past (gulp!) ten years and it's been the one constant in my life ever since I moved to Boulder.

I couldn't help feeling like I was going off to war or something. Like I will never see these people again. Mainly because I don't know what lies ahead. It's not like I'm not coming back, or won't see my friends while I'm out (!!!), but it's just the idea of delving into the complete unknown..........

And I am taking all this extra time off to spend time with... a baby???

It should be entertaining at least, right?

In the meantime, as the baby grows, the belly kicks are getting funnier and more topsy turvy by the day. I almost laughed out loud during a company meeting the other day when I got jabbed in the ribs!

One of my friends wrote a post about that baby-in-the-belly feeling, after the fact, and I wonder if I'll feel like this after the baby is born?