Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What I've Learned... -- Part 2

  • 3-Day Blinds doesn't necessarily mean "Blinds in three days," as one would think. It's more like "3-Week Blinds" or "Eventually, Blinds....."
  • When we first brought Madison home from the hospital, and we were completely buried, and everyone said it would get easier, they were right! It eventually does get "easier" in that REALLY you get more used to it. And luckily the babies get cuter. Much cuter! And, well, you can't send them back...
  • When I was pregnant, I remember thinking, I can't wait til I have the baby! Then I can drink coffee, wine, beer, eat bon-bons every day (ha, not that I would eat bon-bons, but you know). But it's pretty much the opposite! Thanks to breastfeeding and its wily ways, I am way more aware of the food/drink I take into my body than I ever was when I was preggers! oh well, it's not forever..... I was able to give up caffeine so now I know anything's possible!
  • And there are more to come I'm sure...........